Friendswood Idependent School District
John Ring

- 9 years FISD Board Experience

- Safe, Efficient, High Performing Schools

- Data Driven Proven Programs

- Parent, Taxpayer, Conservative

- Registered Professional Engineer

- Attorney/ Businessman

- Independent Judgment

Like many of you, I moved here 19 years ago because of the fine reputation of the Friendswood schools. As most of you know, I am an incumbent and have served as your representative on the FISD Board of Trustees for the past 9 years. My original reason for seeking a position on the Board was to shape the direction of our instructional programs away from the unproven fads of the day to programs that were time-tested, proven and data driven.

Things are very different today. We have an outstanding, high-performing and efficient District. I believe I relate to the expectations of the mainstream citizenry of Friendswood. If re-elected, I will continue to provide valuable and constructive leadership, direction and encouragement to our Superintendent, Principals, and Administrators. My goal is to continue providing the citizens of Friendswood with a school district that is safe, frugal, efficient and high performing academically. I am experienced and proven but my job is not finished. I respectively solicit your vote on November 8.

Early Voting at the FISD Administration Building begins October 24, 2005 and ends November 4, 2005. Times are from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm daily except for October 24 and 31 where the times are 8:00 am to 7:00 pm.

Election Day is November 8, 2005 and votes can be cast from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm at the FISD Administration Building.

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